Colin Ward is located in Athens, Georgia and is available for assignments in the region. Please use the contact page to inquire about YOUR shoot!
Colin was not raised to be an artist although he began his love for photography at an early age when he was given a Kodak Brownie box camera. He took vacation photos and learned to develop and print photos prior to becoming a teenager. Colin squeezed in a college class on photography while he was studying engineering at Ohio State University. The highlight was photographing the Indianapolis 500 from the paddock. He went on to be an engineer and manager in manufacturing for 28 years while keeping photography as a main hobby.
Colin and his wife were able to spend ten years sailing in the Caribbean and down the US east coast thanks to an early retirement. Of course, a significant part of their time was taking pictures of their experiences.
As Colin's creative side developed, he started composing and recording songs and eventually joined and played in a band. The band had some local success, but Colin thought that his artistic vision would be better served by photography.
As Colin's creative side developed, he started composing and recording songs and eventually joined and played in a band. The band had some local success, but Colin thought that his artistic vision would be better served by photography.
Colin is a positive person and finds the constant negativity in the news and on the media to be frustrating and depressing. What better way to be positive than to create magnificent images of the human form in stunning settings. His images, which may be found on this website, are his response to negativity.
He hopes that the photographs on these pages provide joy to the viewer.
He hopes that the photographs on these pages provide joy to the viewer.
Colin has exhibited his photos in many galleries and events. Notable among these are the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, FL, Miami Art Week, Five Deuces, The Arts Exchange and Art at 400 in St. Petersburg, and the DRV Gallery in Gulfport, FL. His work has also been exhibitied at Decagon Gallery in Brooklyn, NY and Black Box Gallery in Portland, OR.
Colin also has an Instagram page.... https://www.instagram.com/colin_ward_photography/
and a Facebook page..... https://www.facebook.com/ColinWardPhotos/
Colin has published BOOKs of fine art nudes. Check them out on Blurb.
Colin has number of favorite photographers! Check them out! Damien Lovegrove, Lindsay Adler and David Dubnitskiy.
Set up your shoot with Colin and order beautiful prints and wall art!